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12 Writing Tips for Aspiring Authors

Is writing a book something you’ve wanted to do? It’s definitely a rewarding journey, but it can also be challenging. Here are some tips to help guide you on your path to becoming a published author.

1. Read Widely and Often

This is always the first advice I give to aspiring authors. One of the best ways to improve your writing is to read a variety of genres and authors. By doing so, you’ll be exposed to different writing styles, voices, as well as techniques.

As you read, pay attention to the way authors develop characters, build worlds (especially important for any fantasy writers out there), and incorporate plot twists (hello, psychological thrillers! But this can also apply to any genre).

It’s okay to have a favourite genre and to read more of it, especially if you’re planning to write in that genre. Even in the same genre you’ll come across many different writing styles and perspectives i.e. first person vs. third person.

2. Write Regularly

This might seem like common sense, but it’s important to try and be consistent when it comes to writing. Set aside a dedicated time each day to write, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

The key is to develop a writing routine to help build discipline and you’ll start to see that writing just becomes a natural part of your day. And remember, progress is progress, no matter whether you’ve written 100 words or 1,000 words in the one sitting.

3. Find Your Unique Voice

There are millions of books in the world, but it’s your voice that will set you apart from other writers. Experiment with a range of styles and tones until you find what feels natural and true to you. Always trust your instincts and write from the heart as authenticity resonates with readers.

4. Create an Outline

Before you start diving into writing, take the time to outline your story. This can be as detailed or as simple as you like. You may be a plotter and have every chapter outlined in great detail, or you may simply have a vague idea of the start, middle, and ending of your story.

There is nothing wrong with “winging it” as you go, as sometimes the characters can change direction as you write (authors often say the characters have a mind of their own) but it’s good to at least have a general idea of your story’s main plot.

Having a roadmap helps you stay focused and organised and ensures you cover all the important plot points.

5. Develop Strong Characters

Characters are, well, the heart of every story. Have you ever read a book and absolutely couldn’t stand the protagonist? We’ve all been there. So, spend the time creating well-rounded, believable characters with distinct personalities, goals, and flaws. Consider their backgrounds and motivations. If you want them to be likeable, make them likeable!

The more real your characters feel, the more readers will connect with them.

6. Show, Don’t Tell!

Make your writing engaging by showing your readers what’s happening in the story rather than simply telling them. This can be done by using descriptive language and sensory details to create scenes the reader can visualise clearly.

For example, instead of writing, “she was happy,” show it through her actions and dialogue.

I should point out that whilst showing and not telling can enhance your writing, using it ALL the time can make it hard for the reader to engage in the story. Too much descriptive writing can sometimes be an overkill, so finding the right balance is key.

7. Revision is Your Best Friend

Don’t be afraid to revise and edit your work after your first draft. After all, the first draft isn’t supposed to be perfect—the goal is to get your words down and finish your manuscript.

Revision is where your story truly comes to life. Look for areas to clarify ideas and improve dialogue. Work out which parts add to the story, and which parts play no role and may need to be removed entirely.

Getting feedback from trusted people or beta readers can provide great insight as to what may require further adjustment. Just be sure to choose people who read the genre you’ve written in and are your target audience so that you receive valuable feedback.

8. Overcome Writer’s Block

Every writer I know has had writer’s block. If you start to feel stuck, try changing your environment, switching from the computer to pen and paper, going for a walk, or writing something new and completely different to help spark some creativity.

Sometimes, stepping away for a bit can lead to breakthroughs. The best ideas can come to mind when you least expect.

9. Set Realistic Goals

I’ve always found that breaking a big project into smaller, manageable goals always helps. Whether it’s writing a certain number of words per day or finishing a certain number of chapters by the end of the week, having clear targets can help to keep you motivated, accountable, and on track.

Printing out your goal and having it in view also helps as you can quickly see your progress to keep you motivated.

10. Don’t Stop Learning

Have you ever read back something you’ve written many years ago and cringe at your writing? Or maybe it makes you laugh, you may even wonder what was going through your mind at the time when you wrote it. Writing, after all, is a lifelong journey.

The key is continuous growth. Attend workshops, read books on writing, and don’t be afraid to seek advice from experienced authors. You’ll be surprised at what they will happily share with you to support you on your writing journey.

Just as with anything in life, the more your learn, the more you’ll grow.

11. Stay Persistent

Becoming a published author can be a long road filled with setbacks, rejections (especially if you decide to go down the traditional publishing route,) and self-doubt. But stay persistent and continue honing your craft. Believe in your story and your ability to bring it to life.

12. Enjoy the Process!

And finally, remember to enjoy the process. Writing is a creative art and it should be a fun and fulfilling venture. Remember to celebrate your wins, no matter how small, and be happy with any progress you make.

The Takeaway?

By applying these tips, you’ll be well and truly on your way to writing compelling stories. Remember to embrace your unique voice, stay dedicated, and most importantly—keep writing. Your story deserves to be told.

If you’d like to stay up to date with my current works in progress, follow me on Instagram and please say hi! I’d love to know what your aspirations as a writer are or if you’ve got any works in progress yourself :).


Q: What should an aspiring writer do?

A: Writing and reading go hand-in-hand and the more you do of both, the better writer you can be. You can even start with writing blogs and articles, not necessarily a novel right away. Network with other writers—don’t be shy to reach out!

Q: How do writers get good at writing?

A: Read often and read different types of content and genres. Making a habit of this will allow you to see different ways of writing, structuring content, and character developments.

Q: What advice would you give to new writers?

A: Read and write a lot! Don’t limit yourself to what you know. There are heaps of genres to explore. Have your own voice, it won’t do you any good trying to imitate other writers.

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My Debut YA Novel is Coming This August!

It’s finally happening … This has been in the works since February last year. After countless revisions and edits, my debut Young Adult novel, Pieces of You, is almost ready to be released. So, what can you expect?

It’s a Love Story, But Not

Yep, that’s right. The story has a central theme around true love but not in the way you’re probably think. Rather, it explores the value of true friendship and celebrates platonic love.

If you’re interested in a love story with spicy scenes, this probably isn’t the book for you. This isn’t a trope that you’d normally come across in YA novels, but I wanted to write a story that shows romantic love isn’t paramount when you’re in high school. It may be for some, but not for everyone. But even if you’ve been in love as a teenager, this story will still pull on your heartstrings.

Feel-Good Moments

There are heartwarming moments scattered throughout the entire novel. In between the heartaches and deep pain, there are scenes that will make your heart glow. It might even make you smile. You might shed a tear, but I promise the final chapter is an ending with closure, in a good way.

It’s Set in Australia

If you went to school in Australia, then you may find many aspects of this story relatable. The story is written in Australian English, so you’ll see words like Maths instead of Math, and dialogue to reflect the Australian culture. Also, Australia is made up of so many different backgrounds, which leads into my next point …

The Main Characters Are POC

Wynter Hope (the MFC) is a mix of Filipino and Korean, and Lucas Mensah (the MMC) is a mix of Italian and Ghanaian.

The Blurb

Fitting into the high school scene isn’t easy for Wynter. Hiding away from the spotlight, she finds comfort in the rustling pages of a good book. Come home time, her trusted keyboard breathes music into her lonely days.

But when Lucas barges himself into her life, unafraid to speak his mind, Wynter’s quiet existence takes a sudden halt. Sharing the same passions, Lucas becomes the best friend Wynter never knew she needed.

Together, they can be themselves and have full certainty that their friendship is as timeless as the notes they play on the keyboard. A perfect harmony.

However, their once serene world makes an unexpected turn, without warning. Wynter finds herself facing a reality she never wanted, a stage she never sought.

Navigating each passing day with a cloud looming over her head and deep heartache was never part of the melody. But life doesn’t play by the music sheet and sometimes the spotlight isn’t a choice.

In this unpredictable symphony of life, the next note is always a heartbeat away.

Release Date

Whilst there’s no exact release date as of you, I’m aiming for an August launch. To stay up to date be sure to be following me on social media or subscribe to our newsletter.

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Creative Book Launch Ideas for Your Children’s Book

After holding my third book launch a few weeks ago, I’ve definitely learned a thing or two as to what makes the day one to remember. Creative ideas can enhance the launch experience for both the author and their guests. With a mix of traditional and unique elements, you can appeal to a diverse audience.

My first book launch was held at my local library, and the consecutives ones were at a hall in a local primary school. Of course, you can hold it anywhere you can book that will appeal to your audience.

The Heart of The Book Launch: Book Reading by the Author

A book launch isn’t a book launch without the presence of the author, and of course, a reading of their newly launched book. What makes a book reading successful, though? Engagement is so important when it comes to any book reading, especially if your audience is the youngest members of the community. For my children’s books, I like to read them the way I’d read to my children come bedtime. My tone of voice changes, especially with character dialogues, I ask questions at critical points of the story, and I may do gestures in relation to the book. These all keep the kids engaged, with eyes peeled to the pages.

Tip: Practise reading your book aloud at home several times before the event itself. Just like with any public speaking, practise makes better.

Make Your Mark: Book Signing by the Author

A book launch is the perfect setting to meet locals, as well as promote your book itself. Many who attend also intend to purchase a signed copy of the book. With whatever payment option you have set up, ensure it is easily accessible on the day. I had a QR code for people to scan which linked directly to the purchase page and provided an exclusive discount code valid for that day only.

The book signing itself should be in a fun, relaxed environment. It’s a chance to chit-chat with guests and their children and get to know new faces. Since this is done after the book reading, I like to ask the kids which part of the story they liked the best. It’s incredible how much they can recall from only hearing the story once.

Book signing tip: I use a pen that dries quickly and doesn’t smudge so that after the page is signed, it’s okay to close the book straight away.

One last tip: Have spare paper handy in case you’d like someone to spell their name. That way you can just copy the spelling and it ensures you spell it correctly. This is mostly for names that are harder to spell or aren’t spelt the way they traditionally are.

Book Related Gift: Incorporating a Lucky Door Prize

This is a fun little addition I like to have at my book launches. Basically every child who attends has the chance to win a lucky door prize. You can include anything exciting – I like to keep the theme book related.

For this book launch, I included a signed book by an Indie author as a way to support self-published authors and to share their work. I also included stickers (because who doesn’t love stickers?) as well as activity books.

To keep it simple, guests simple write their name on a post-it note upon arrival, and pop the folded post-it in a jar. After the book reading, I get my little helper (my 4-year-old son) to draw a name from the jar and gift them with their prize. It’s smiles all around.

Engage Everyone: Fun Activities for All Ages

Grow Your Own Plant: This was such a fun idea. This connects the theme of growth in the book to a physical activity. By children planting their own seed, it gives them a sense of joy and satisfaction as they patiently wait for it to grow. It teaches them the value of patience and nurturing their new green friend daily.

Colouring Sheets and Thank You Cards: These were great especially for the younger ones. The colouring sheets are always a hit and it’s always so lovely seeing the concentration on their faces as they bring the characters to life through an abundance of colours. The Thank You cards was a nice way to instil a sense of gratitude with our young ones. Seeing them presenting their completed cards to a family member or friend was so heart-warming.

I guess the key to brainstorming activities for the day is to ensure they align with the book’s overall theme or message.

Catering to the Crowd: Free Food and Drinks

Depending on what time your book launch is scheduled for, you may consider having light refreshments on the day. For a children’s book launch, you can’t go wrong with fairy bread (I mean, every kids party needs this), sandwiches are always a hit, fresh fruit, and a friend of mine made custom cookies with my book cover printed on them which were adored by everyone.

For drinks, I kept it simple and had juice poppers and water. I avoided hot drinks for safety reasons, especially with lots of little kids on the day.

Added Fun: Face Painting and Balloon Animals

If your budget allows, hiring a professional or getting a friend to do face painting will be a sure highlight of the day. The kids absolutely love it. Of course, this is another fun activity to keep the kids entertained, but I found the adults loved the balloon animals just a much and wanted their face painted too.

Start Planning Your Unforgettable Book Launch Today!

As you can see, a book launch can be a lot of fun – it just takes planning to ensure everything is covered so that the launch day runs smoothly. Don’t be afraid to get your name out there especially when promoting the event. Think outside the box when it comes to what activities to do on the day, and possibly even ask children themselves for ideas – they often come up with the greatest ones.

Lastly… Just have fun. Don’t stress yourself out, as a book launch is supposed to be a memorable occasion. If you have any questions, feel free to message me on social media and I’ll happily help as best I can 🙂


Q: Is it important to hold a book launch?

A: Book launches aren’t just about celebrating the book itself, it can also inspire aspiring writers. It brings the community together and instils a love of reading in a fun way for our children.

Q: When should you do a book launch?

A: In Australia, aim to hold your book launch during the school holidays as parents are always finding local events for their children to attend. Avoid holding the event during the winter holidays though, as it’s the ‘flu’ season and number of attendees may dwindle last minute.

Q: How do you create a successful book launch event?

A: It’s important to have a specific target audience in mind, and design your book launch to cater to them. Stick to a budget and ensure you have a campaign to promote your book launch. Book a venue that is easily accessible with plenty of parking spots and in the lead up to the event, keep promoting on as many platforms as possible.

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Enjoy Your Local Library Visit to the Fullest

Libraries offer much more than just rows of books. There are so many wonderful reasons why a trip to the library can be memorable each time for you and your little ones. It’ll be their new favourite place!

Discover Hidden Gems

The library houses so many great books, it’s impossible not to find something that excites your young readers. Don’t limit yourself to familiar genres. Wander through the aisles of historical fiction, delve into biographies, or give science fiction a chance. Your children may just surprise you as to what catches their interest.

Talk to Librarians

Librarians offer a wealth of knowledge when it comes to finding your next read. Once they get to know you and your interests, they can offer recommendations that you otherwise may have never come across.

Check the Display Stands

This is one of my favourite things to do at the library, especially since the display stands are changed frequently. Libraries often showcase themed collections, new arrivals, or award-winning titles. Next time you step foot into your local library, be sure to stop by the display stand.

Attend Events

Local libraries often have lots of fun events lined up for the year, especially during the school holidays. Look out for author signings, literary discussions, story time sessions, workshops, and other events hosted by the library. The best way to stay in the loop is to sign up to their mailing list and follow their social media pages.

Support Your Local Authors

Did you know that you can request for books to be stocked at your local library? You can speak to a librarian about the process or hop on their website and there should be a section to request books. What better way to support a local author than to request for their titles to be stocked in the library? This will make their books more accessible to the general public and helps to get their name out. If you’d like to request any of my books, I’d be forever grateful. You can find my titles by clicking here.

Make Your Next Library Visit Memorable

Hopefully this blog encourages you to venture into your local library with your young ones. Perhaps even explore libraries in other areas. It’s always great fun seeing different layouts and displays as well as getting to know librarians across different locations. And one more little note – your young ones aren’t expected to remain quiet, so that’s one less thing to be anxious about. In fact, libraries encourage children to be there and they are very understanding with knowing children love to explore and vocally express their excitement.


Q: What are the best ways to find new books at the library?

A: Browse staff picks, join a library-run book club, or ask for a reading suggestion based on your favourite books.

Q: How can I access library resources from home?

A: Many libraries offer online catalogues and digital resources. Simply use your library card to log in via their website.

Q: Are there any free workshops or classes at the library?

A: Yes, libraries typically offer a range of free or affordable educational opportunities, especially during the school holidays. To stay informed, follow your library’s social media pages for any upcoming events.

Q: How can I volunteer or get involved with my local library?

A: Speak to library staff about volunteer opportunities, or check the library’s website for information.