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Enjoy Your Local Library Visit to the Fullest

Libraries offer much more than just rows of books. There are so many wonderful reasons why a trip to the library can be memorable each time for you and your little ones. It’ll be their new favourite place!

Discover Hidden Gems

The library houses so many great books, it’s impossible not to find something that excites your young readers. Don’t limit yourself to familiar genres. Wander through the aisles of historical fiction, delve into biographies, or give science fiction a chance. Your children may just surprise you as to what catches their interest.

Talk to Librarians

Librarians offer a wealth of knowledge when it comes to finding your next read. Once they get to know you and your interests, they can offer recommendations that you otherwise may have never come across.

Check the Display Stands

This is one of my favourite things to do at the library, especially since the display stands are changed frequently. Libraries often showcase themed collections, new arrivals, or award-winning titles. Next time you step foot into your local library, be sure to stop by the display stand.

Attend Events

Local libraries often have lots of fun events lined up for the year, especially during the school holidays. Look out for author signings, literary discussions, story time sessions, workshops, and other events hosted by the library. The best way to stay in the loop is to sign up to their mailing list and follow their social media pages.

Support Your Local Authors

Did you know that you can request for books to be stocked at your local library? You can speak to a librarian about the process or hop on their website and there should be a section to request books. What better way to support a local author than to request for their titles to be stocked in the library? This will make their books more accessible to the general public and helps to get their name out. If you’d like to request any of my books, I’d be forever grateful. You can find my titles by clicking here.

Make Your Next Library Visit Memorable

Hopefully this blog encourages you to venture into your local library with your young ones. Perhaps even explore libraries in other areas. It’s always great fun seeing different layouts and displays as well as getting to know librarians across different locations. And one more little note – your young ones aren’t expected to remain quiet, so that’s one less thing to be anxious about. In fact, libraries encourage children to be there and they are very understanding with knowing children love to explore and vocally express their excitement.


Q: What are the best ways to find new books at the library?

A: Browse staff picks, join a library-run book club, or ask for a reading suggestion based on your favourite books.

Q: How can I access library resources from home?

A: Many libraries offer online catalogues and digital resources. Simply use your library card to log in via their website.

Q: Are there any free workshops or classes at the library?

A: Yes, libraries typically offer a range of free or affordable educational opportunities, especially during the school holidays. To stay informed, follow your library’s social media pages for any upcoming events.

Q: How can I volunteer or get involved with my local library?

A: Speak to library staff about volunteer opportunities, or check the library’s website for information.

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What I’ve Learned from My Author Visits at Daycare Centres and Schools

As an author, visiting daycare centres and schools has been an enlightening journey, filled with unexpected lessons and gratifying moments. These visits have not only given me the opportunity to engage with my youngest readers but also provided me with invaluable insights into the world of early education and child development. Here are some of the key takeaways from my experiences.

A Glimpse into Young Minds

The Power of Storytelling
Children’s love for stories has been evident in every classroom I’ve visited. Storytelling is a way for kids to explore emotions, understand complex concepts, and connect with the world around them.

Questions That Spark Creativity
During Q&A sessions, the questions children ask are a testament to their boundless imagination. They often surprise me with their insightful questions. They view stories through a lens of pure curiosity. Their fresh perspectives on things have taught me to see the world through their eyes – a place where every little detail can spark wonder.

The Role of Books in Early Education

A Tool for Learning
Educators use books as versatile tools for teaching language, but also for topics like kindness and empathy. I’ve seen first-hand how a well-told story can make learning engaging and memorable.

Diversity and Representation Matter
When I read one of my books with a character from a diverse cultural background, I witness the excitement of children seeing themselves reflected in the pages. It’s a powerful reminder that representation in children’s literature is crucial for fostering a sense of inclusion and belonging, especially in Australia where different backgrounds shape our country.

The Ripple Effect of Author Visits

Igniting Imagination
One of the most rewarding aspects of my visits is watching young eyes light up with the realisation that they, too, could create their own stories. It’s a privilege to plant seeds of creativity that could one day grow into their own books. I’ve had several children approach me in excitement as they share their goal of publishing their very own book one day.

Bridging Gaps
Each visit reaffirms the importance of personal connection between authors and readers. In a digital age, the human element of a live reading or a face-to-face conversation is irreplaceable and can be the bridge that connects a child to the love of reading.

The Joy of Shared Reading
Group readings have shown me the collective joy that comes from experiencing a story together. This shared joy is a powerful tool in not only encouraging individual readers but in building a community of book lovers.

The Bigger Picture

Supporting Educators
Through conversations with teachers and staff, I’ve gained a deeper appreciation for the role authors can play in supporting educators. Whether it’s providing resources or crafting stories that align with curricular goals, there is much we can do to contribute.

The Lasting Impact
Perhaps the most profound lesson has been recognising the lasting impact these visits can have. Long after the day’s excitement fades, the stories and discussions often linger in children’s minds, shaping their perceptions and understanding of the world.

The Takeaway: A Shared Journey

Each visit to a daycare centre or school is a reminder that books are just the beginning of the story. The real magic happens in the interaction—between author and reader, story and listener, imagination and reality. As I continue this journey, I am grateful for the lessons learned and excited for the stories yet to be told, both by me and by the future authors sitting cross-legged before me, eyes wide with wonder.

If you’re an educator or teacher looking to spark a love of reading in your classroom, I invite you to reach out and book an author visit. Simply email and we’ll go from there! Let’s embark on this literary adventure together, fostering the next generation of readers and thinkers.


Q: How can I arrange a local author visit?

A: We provide free local author visits if your school or daycare centre is in Western Sydney (select suburbs). Please email for more information on available dates and requirements. We recommend booking at least 2 weeks in advance of your desired date.

Q: What are the benefits of hosting a local author visit?

A: Hosting a local author visit has several benefits. It provides an opportunity for the community to engage with a local literary figure, fostering a sense of connection and inspiration. Author visits can also promote a love for reading, especially among young readers.

Q:  Do you sell signed copies of your books during an author visit?

A: Yes, selling books during an author visit is a common practice and can be an excellent opportunity to promote reading. However, instead of selling copies on the day of the visit, we send out an order form in advance so parents can pre-order ahead of time. The purchased copies are then provided on the day of the visit.