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Unlock the Magic: The Benefits of Reading Aloud with Your Kids

Although it may seem like it, reading aloud to your kids is more than just a bedtime routine. It is a powerful way to connect with your child and nurture their development, foster their imagination, and something for them to look forward to each day.

Why Reading Aloud is Essential

1. Boosts Language and Literacy Skills

Your child is exposed to many words and phrases throughout the day through everyday casual conversations. However, when you read a book aloud with them, they are exposed to a rich variety of words and phrases that they may not encounter otherwise. This helps to expand their vocabulary. For young readers, it’s also an effective way to introduce literacy concepts like rhyme, sentence structure, and storytelling.

2. Strengthens the Bond Between a Child and their Parent

Children always look forward to bedtime stories not only because of the story itself, but the time they get to spend with their parents. Reading aloud creates a special moment of bonding between you and your child.

Reading together and sharing stories builds trust and strengthens your emotional connection. As you read together, your child feels your undivided attention which creates a sense of deep love and security.

3. Encourages Imagination and Creativity

When books are read to children aloud, they can easily visualise characters and settings beyond the pages.  This unlocks entire worlds and events in their minds which helps develop their creativity and problem-solving skills.

4. Builds Empathy and Emotional Understanding

With a wide range of stories to explore, there are often many that cover the themes of kindness, courage, and resilience. Reading these stories aloud together allows children to reflect on the world through the eyes of others. This helps them understand different perspectives and emotions on the same topic. In turn, they build empathy and emotional intelligence, which are both invaluable life skills.

How to Make Reading Aloud Enjoyable

  1. Choose Age-Appropriate Books: Select stories that align with your child’s age and interests and involve them in the selection process. For pre-school aged children, bright illustrations and simple stories are best, while older children may enjoy picture books or chapter books with more complex plots.
  2. Add Personality to Your Reading: No-one, not even adults, find it enjoyable listening to someone reading who sounds like a robot. Instead, use funny voices, sound effects, or dramatic pauses to bring the story to life. This keeps your child engaged and makes reading time fun.
  3. Ask Questions: Interaction is so important and helps parents to determine their child’s understanding of the story. Encourage interaction by asking questions related to the page, or the overall story. For example, “What do you think will happen next?” or “How do you think the character feels?”

Children’s Books Recommendations to Get Started

If you’re unsure where to start, check out these books that I wrote specifically for young readers (ages 3 to 8) with big hearts.

  • Mummy, I Can’t Find My Loud Voice – A heartwarming story about gaining confidence in new environments (specifically school), self-growth, and overcoming the fear of using spoken words to express thoughts.
  • Daisy’s Not-So-Ordinary Ordinary Day – A delightful story exploring themes of imagination, creativity, and family togetherness.
  • A Bucketful of Tears – A touching story that emphasises empathy, kindness, dealing with emotions, and understanding that one’s best is always enough.


Q. Why is reading aloud important for kids?

A: Reading aloud helps children develop essential language, literacy, and listening skills. It introduces them to new vocabulary, improves comprehension, and fosters a love of reading. Additionally, it builds emotional connections and enhances creativity and imagination.

Q: At what age should you start reading to your child?

A: You can start reading aloud to your child as early as infancy! Even newborns benefit from hearing your voice and the rhythm of language. As they grow, the habit of reading together helps build their understanding of words, sounds, and stories.

Q: How long should you read aloud to your child each day?

A: There’s no strict rule, and you’ll find that it changes as your child matures, but 15–20 minutes a day is a great starting point. If your child is particularly engaged, feel free to extend the time. The key is consistency and making it an enjoyable experience.

Q: Can reading aloud help children struggling with literacy?

A: Yes! Reading aloud is a fantastic tool for kids who struggle with literacy. Hearing words spoken fluently helps them understand pronunciation, pacing, and context. It also reduces the pressure of reading on their own, making it a supportive and enjoyable learning experience.

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My Debut YA Novel is Coming This August!

It’s finally happening … This has been in the works since February last year. After countless revisions and edits, my debut Young Adult novel, Pieces of You, is almost ready to be released. So, what can you expect?

It’s a Love Story, But Not

Yep, that’s right. The story has a central theme around true love but not in the way you’re probably think. Rather, it explores the value of true friendship and celebrates platonic love.

If you’re interested in a love story with spicy scenes, this probably isn’t the book for you. This isn’t a trope that you’d normally come across in YA novels, but I wanted to write a story that shows romantic love isn’t paramount when you’re in high school. It may be for some, but not for everyone. But even if you’ve been in love as a teenager, this story will still pull on your heartstrings.

Feel-Good Moments

There are heartwarming moments scattered throughout the entire novel. In between the heartaches and deep pain, there are scenes that will make your heart glow. It might even make you smile. You might shed a tear, but I promise the final chapter is an ending with closure, in a good way.

It’s Set in Australia

If you went to school in Australia, then you may find many aspects of this story relatable. The story is written in Australian English, so you’ll see words like Maths instead of Math, and dialogue to reflect the Australian culture. Also, Australia is made up of so many different backgrounds, which leads into my next point …

The Main Characters Are POC

Wynter Hope (the MFC) is a mix of Filipino and Korean, and Lucas Mensah (the MMC) is a mix of Italian and Ghanaian.

The Blurb

Fitting into the high school scene isn’t easy for Wynter. Hiding away from the spotlight, she finds comfort in the rustling pages of a good book. Come home time, her trusted keyboard breathes music into her lonely days.

But when Lucas barges himself into her life, unafraid to speak his mind, Wynter’s quiet existence takes a sudden halt. Sharing the same passions, Lucas becomes the best friend Wynter never knew she needed.

Together, they can be themselves and have full certainty that their friendship is as timeless as the notes they play on the keyboard. A perfect harmony.

However, their once serene world makes an unexpected turn, without warning. Wynter finds herself facing a reality she never wanted, a stage she never sought.

Navigating each passing day with a cloud looming over her head and deep heartache was never part of the melody. But life doesn’t play by the music sheet and sometimes the spotlight isn’t a choice.

In this unpredictable symphony of life, the next note is always a heartbeat away.

Release Date

Whilst there’s no exact release date as of you, I’m aiming for an August launch. To stay up to date be sure to be following me on social media or subscribe to our newsletter.